Department M
Fandango Singles Going Unsteady
12th January 2014
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The Hosts
'shhhh! The Hosts Go 'softly, Softly'
6th January 2014
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Department M
Get Shopping For Department M!
27th November 2013
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Felt Tip
14 Bands For Pandamonium '14
26th November 2013
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Tom Hickox
Tom's Major Release
26th November 2013
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Longfellow Feel The Love!
24th November 2013
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Yule Love The Hosts
22nd November 2013
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Tom Hickox
Tom Hickox Is Out Of The Box!
21st October 2013
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Department M
Department M Join The Family
20th October 2013
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Felt Tip
Felt Tip Feel Tip Top
20th October 2013
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Longfellow Get Beefy
20th October 2013
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Desperate Journalist
Desperate Journalist Write The Songs
15th October 2013
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Iliketrains - Like Vinyl
5th October 2013
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Dingus Khan
Dingus Head To The Lexington
4th October 2013
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Keane Are Keen
3rd October 2013
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Department M
Panda Goes To Dalston 5!
2nd October 2013
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Melanie Pain
Melanie's Fierce Pain-da Album!
5th August 2013
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Hawk Eyes
Hawk Eyes Vs Baby Godzilla!
5th August 2013
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Felt Tip
Fierce Panda Takes Aim
4th August 2013
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Felt Tip
Indie Summertime Free Music Ahoy!
17th July 2013
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