The Hot Puppies
Label Fandango Comes Alive!
23rd October 2005
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Art Brut Have A Hoot!
23rd October 2005
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Absent Kid Release A Single!
23rd October 2005
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More Art Brut Tootlings!
19th September 2005
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Absent Kid Release A Single!
19th September 2005
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The Hot Puppies
Hot Puppies Sweat It Out!
19th September 2005
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Panda Ambles Up North!
19th September 2005
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Art Bruty Get Fruity!
29th July 2005
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The Pistolas
Pistolas Whip It Up!
15th July 2005
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The Revelations
Beware The Revelations!
22nd June 2005
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The Great Summery Smell Of Art Brut
22nd June 2005
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Apartmental As Anything!
22nd June 2005
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Blackbud Get Jiggy!
30th May 2005
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Boy Kill Boy
Boy Kill Boy Boing On!
14th May 2005
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Free Panda Bands Ahoy!
14th May 2005
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Apartment Plan Big Single And Big Gig!
14th May 2005
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Art Brut Smell Album!
14th May 2005
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Art Brut Look For Love!
17th April 2005
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Gledhill Climb Aboard!
17th April 2005
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Youthmovies Track New Sounds
29th March 2005
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